Bitwig 4.2

’ve been a vocal fan of Bitwig
Studio in these pages since
version 1, but I was, initially,
slightly underwhelmed by
version 4 when I reviewed it. Whereas
versions 2 and 3 introduced seismic
new features that radically expanded
the capabilities of the DAW – the
unified modulation system and
modular Grid, respectively – the
comping and note Operators
introduced for Bitwig 4 were
comparatively conservative additions.
As acknowledged at the time
though, this comparison was arguably
unfair due to the way Bitwig’s update
plans works. Rather than simply buy
each version outright, users activate a
12-month update plan that
immediately gives them access to the
latest version, but also any new
updates – however big or small –
within the time the plan is active. As
a result, the developers seem to have
shifted emphasis away from big,
headline-grabbing reinventions of the
DAW in favour of regular, significant
‘point’ updates throughout the
lifespan of each version. It makes
more sense, in that case, to give
Bitwig Studio 4 a proper appraisal
now, 12 months on from when it first
launched in public Beta.
Any user that rushed out to
reactivate their upgrade plan the
moment Bitwig 4 was announced will
have also subsequently gained access
to version 4.1 and 4.2 in the months
since. Taken together, the package
offered by those updates is
considerably more substantial than
the update to version 4 alone.
The Note FX that were the main
focus of 4.1 feel very much like a
complimentary side dish to v4’s
Operators. Whereas the Operators
were randomising and retriggering
tools that applied variations directly
to MIDI notes on the piano roll, the
Note FX are an array of devices that
can process incoming MIDI in real
time. The general remit of the two
features is very similar though,
allowing users to apply complex but
highly controllable variations to
Bitwig Studio 4.2 €399
12 months on, Bitwig have doubled down on
the creative sequencing tools added in version
4. Si Truss takes another look
CONTACT WHO: Bitwig WEB: KEY FEATURES Fully-equipped DAW with 130+ devices and modulators, plus Grid modular
environments with 150+ modules. Purchase includes 12-month update plan
Long-term test | Xxxxxxxxx
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Summary of content (2 pages)