User's Manual

[Figure] TELNET EAP Configuration Menu.
l [0] EAP Mode: It should be selected same as AP’s EAP mode
l [1] EAP ID/PASSWORD: it should be configured same as AP’s EAP ID and password.
l [$] Back: Go to the previous menu.
l [#] Main Menu : Go to the main menu.
3.3.6 Save
: To save a changed configuration information on CMAX module, select the ‘[5]Save’ in
the configuration main menu.
3.3.7 Exit
: To terminate a TELNET connection, select the ‘[6] Exit’ in the configuration main menu.
3.4 FTP
It is function to Upload or Download 'Configuration file' for CMAX module configuration by
FTP. If you modify the 'Configuration file' and upload that, it will be changed CMAX module
Note :
FTP : File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to exchange and
manipulate files over a TCP/IP-based network(between server and client).
Supported FTP command
l ls : List contents of remote directory
l Get: : Receive configuration file
l Put : Send configuration file
CAUTION : To Upload a file, don’t use file-extension and use “config” to filename.
3.4.1 FTP Connection
: It should be executed to Microsoft Windows xp Command line.
l Execute Windows command
- Microsoft Windows xp’s beginning run input ‘command’