User manual

4.4.1 Enabling limits
Use the following procedure to turn on the limit operation:
1. Press to enable or disable LIMIT TEST function.
4.4.2 Setting Limit Values
Use the following steps to enter high and low limit values:
1. Press to enter the menu on the menu level.
2. Use or key to move across to the MATH MEU on the menu level, A: MATH MEU
will be displayed.
3. Press to move down to the command level within the MATH MEU.
4. Use or key to move across to the HIGH LIMIT command, 1: HI LIMITwill be
5. Press to move down a level to input the high limit value. The present high limit value will be
HI: +1.00000
6. Use and keys to choose a numerical place and use and keys to
increment or decrement the digits. Enter an expected value for high limit.
7. Press (ENTER) to confirm the value of high limit. The message SAVEDwill be displayed to
show that the change is now in effect. The multimeter will exit the parameter level and move up a
level to the command level.
8. Use or key to move across to the LOW LIMIT command, 2: LO LIMITwill be
9. Press to move down a level to input the low limit value. The present low limit value will be
LO: -1.00000
10. Use and keys to choose a numerical place and use and keys to
increment or decrement the digits. Enter an expected value for low limit.
11. Press (ENTER) to confirm the value of low limit. The message SAVEDwill be displayed to
show that the change is now in effect. The meter will exit the parameter level and move up a level to
the command level.
12. Press key to exit from the menu and return to the measurement status.
4.5 System Operations
The multimeter has some other operations: Beeper control, key sound control, Baud rate control and