User manual

Note: Factory default baud rate is 9600.
Before you choose a baud rate, make sure the programming terminal on a computer that will be used to
connect to the instrument supports the baud rate you selected. Both the digital multimeter and the
computer must be configured for the same baud rate.
Perform the following steps to select a baud rate
1. Press to enter the menu on the menu level, A: MATH MEUwill be displayed.
2. Use or key to move across to the SYS MEU on the menu level, C: SYS MEUwill
be displayed.
3. Press to move down to the command level within the SYS MEU, 1: BEEP STRwill be
4. Use or key to move across to the baud rate command, 2: BAUD RAT will be
5. Press to move down a level to set the baud rate.
6. Use or key to select a baud rate.
7. Press (ENTER) to confirm the selection. The message SAVEDwill be displayed to show
that the change is now in effect. The multimeter will exit the parameter level and move up a level to
the command level.
8. Press key to exit from the menu and return to the measurement status.
4.5.3 Selecting the Terminal Character
The instrument has two kinds of terminal characters: <LF> (Line Feed) and <CR> (Carriage Return).
Perform the following steps to select the terminal characters:
1. Press to enter the menu on the menu level, A: MATH MEUwill be displayed.
2. Use or key to move across to the SYS MENU on the menu level, C: SYS MEU
will be displayed.
3. Press to move down to the command level within the SYS MEU, 1: BEEP STAwill be
4. Use or key to move across to the terminal character command, 3: TX TERMwill
be displayed.
5. Press to move down a level to set the terminal character.
6. Use or key to select a terminal character.