User manual

Brackets [ ]: Some command words are enclosed in brackets. These brackets are used to denote
an optional command word that does not need to be included in the program message. For
:RANGe[:UPPer] <n>
These brackets indicate that :UPPer is optional and does not have to be used. Thus, the above
command can be sent in one of the two ways below:
:RANGe <n>
or :RANGe:UPPer <n>
NOTICE: When using optional command words in your program, do not include the
Angle brackets <>: Angle brackets are used to denote a parameter type. Do not include the
brackets in the program message. For example:
The <b> indicates that a Boolean-type parameter is required. Thus, to enable the HOLD feature,
you must send the command with ON or 1 parameter as below:
or :HOLD:STATe 1
Parameter types: The following are some of the common parameter types:
<b> Boolean: Used to enable or disable an instrument operation. 0 or OFF disables the
operation and 1 or ON enables the operation. Example:
:CURRent:AC:RANGe:AUTO ON Enables auto ranging
<name> Name parameter: Select a parameter name from a listed group. Example:
<name> = MOVing
:RESistance:AVERage:TCONtrol MOVing
<NRf> Numeric Representation format: This parameter is a number that can be expressed as
an integer (e.g., 6), a real number (e.g., 25.3) or an exponent (e.g., 5.6E2). Example:
:MMFactor 5