Installation Instructions

Table Of Contents
BKR5000 Portable Radio User’s Manual
- 23 -
Trunking Channel Basic Operation
Some BKR5000 radios are equipped with optional P25 Trunking
capability. To determine if your radio is trunking compatible, remove the
battery and check the Options Label. “KZA0579” indicates the trunking
option is installed.
Trunking parameters and functions can only be programmed by
qualied persons via PC. Contact your system administrator or radio
dealer for information on how your radio is programmed.
System Registration
If the radio is powered on when a trunking channel is selected, the radio
will attempt to register with the selected trunking system.
The LED will ash twice upon successfully registering with the system
and setting talkgroup a󰀩liation.
If the a󰀩liation was unsuccessful the LED will continue to ash.
If the radio is not in range of the system “Out of Range” will be
displayed and an alert tone will sound every ten seconds.
If registration is refused or denied, a denied message and tone will
appear briey before switching to “Out of Range” mode.
After successful registration the programmed LCD display criteria is
When the PTT is pressed, if the channel is available a three beep Talk
Permit Tone will be heard and the radio will transmit.
If there is no channel available the radio will emit a tone and display
BUSY”. Release the PTT.
The radio will remain in busy mode until the channel is available.
When the channel becomes available the three beep Talk Permit Tone
will be emitted. Re-press the PTT to continue your call.
If the PTT is not pressed within two seconds of the Talk Permit Tone,
the radio will return to normal standby mode.