Installation Instructions

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BKR5000 Portable Radio User’s Manual
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code. Use the INV button to invert the code. The following tables show
the standard values for tone and digital. Any value can be entered in
keypad programming. The user is not restricted to these values.
Valid Code Guard Tone Values
Group A Group B Group C
67.0 (XZ) *151.4 (5Z) 71.9 (XA) 146.2 (4B) 74.4
77.0 (XB) 162.2 (5B) 82.5 (YZ) 156.7 (5A) 79.7
88.5 (YB) 173.8 (6A) 94.8 (ZA) 167.9 (6Z) 85.4 (YA)
*100.0 (1Z) 186.2 (7Z) 103.5 (1A) *179.9 (6B) 91.5 (ZZ)
107.2 (1B) 203.5 (M1) 110.9 (2X) 192.8 (7A)
114.8 (2A) 218.1 (M3) *118.8 (2B) 210.7 (M2)
123.0 (3Z) 233.6 127.3 (3A) 225.7 (M4)
131.8 (3B) 250.3 136.5 (4Z) 241.8
141.3 (4A)
* 50/60 Hz power distribution systems could cause falsing.
The assignments in a given area should be made from within one of the Groups:
A, B, or C.
Valid Digital Code Guard Values
023 025 026 031 032 043 047 051 054
065 071 072 073 074 114 115 116 125
131 132 134 143 152 155 156 162 165
172 174 205 223 226 243 244 245 251
261 263 265 271 306 311 315 331 343
346 351 364 365 371 411 412 423 431
432 445 464 465 466 503 506 516 532
546 565 606 612 624 627 631 632 654
662 664 703 712 723 731 732 734 743