
format HD Video Scaler
3.3 Infra-Red Remote control (IR Remote)
Power: Press the button once to power on
the AC139A. Press again to enter standby
Input: Press the button repeatedly to toggle
through the various input sources
HD: Press the button to select the
component input.
PC: Press the button to select the VGA
HDMI/DVI: Press the button to select the
DVI input.
VGA through 1080p: Press any one of the
buttons to directly select the desired output
resolution. For other output resolutions that
are not covered by these buttons please enter
Menu/Output OSD page to select them.
MENU: Press the button to bring up the
OSD main menu page.
Exit: Press the button to exit from a sub
menu or the main menu.
Up/Down/Left/Right: Press the or buttons to move the highlight
bar to your desired parameter during the OSD operation. Press the or
buttons to increase or decrease the setting value of a selected
OK (Enter): Press the button to confirm your selection.
Reset: Press the button to reset the unit to the factory default values.
Auto Adjust: Press the button to optimize the position of the picture
(picture centering) on the screen.