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Chapter 4: Device Control
4. Device Control
If you are using the DVI output from your video card and the DVI input to a TFT monitor, no adjustment should be required. In
other cases, when the video signal is converted between analog and digital formats, either by the local unit and/or the monitor,
you may need to optimize the video signal using the Extender’s on-screen display (OSD).
Version information
Screen resolution and refresh rate
Main menu icons
Submenu/command icons
Menu title
Figure 4-1. OSD Utility.
You can adjust the following properties using the OSD:
Adaptation to analog signal sources (VGA/RGB)—see also Chapter 5, Monitor Setup.
Color temperature
OSD operation, factory reset.
4.1 Opening the OSD
You can access the OSD in two ways:
Using the keyboard attached to the Remote Unit:
NOTE: On USB models (ACS253-U-xx-R2) or DVI upgrade kits (ACS253A-DVI-xx), keyboard access is not available. Please use one
of the other methods.
Using our small windows program with a serial connection to the programming port of the local unit.
While the OSD is active, the mouse is locked and only menu keystrokes are allowed at the keyboard. To indicate that the OSD
mode is active, the status LEDs (Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock) flash. There is a summary of OSD commands in Table QS-3
in the Quick Start Guide at the front of this manual.
Using the keyboard attached to the remote unit
Type the following key sequence at the remote console keyboard:
<Ctrl> + <Shift> + < I >
NOTE: On some keyboards, <Ctrl> is replaced by <Strg>.
To navigate within the OSD:
Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight a submenu and/or function.
Press the <ENTER> key to select the highlighted submenu or function.
Select the Exit icon to go back to the previous menu level.