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Appendix A. Troubleshooting
A.1 Troubleshooting
If you experience problems when installing or using the modules, please check through this section for a possible solution.
No video image is received at the remote module.
Check that the green status indicator (adjacent to the LINK 4 socket) is lit on the local module. If it is not then there is a power
or video input problem. If the green status indicator is flashing then there is no input video, possibly because the host system
has gone into standby; or simply that the input cable is not correctly connected. The transmitter unit requires power from its
supplied power adapter.
Check the link cable(s) that connect the transmitter and remote module(s) for soundness. If possible, try using an alternative
twisted pair link connection between the modules.
Check the yellow indicator on the associated link socket. If the yellow indicator is flashing continuously, check that the
corresponding remote module is properly connected.
Alternatively, this output may have been overloaded. Disconnect the cable and reconnect it to check.
Note: The yellow indicators for all unused link ports will flash.
If the sharpness control is set too high, the monitor may not be able to display a picture. Try reducing the sharpness setting.
Please refer to section 3.4 Video sharpness adjustment.
If not already fitted, connect a monitor to the port of the transmitter module and check for a correct video image output.
Check that all of the miniature configuration switches are in the OFF position during normal operation.
Power is applied via the power supply but the transmitter module operation has stopped.
The transmitter unit has an internal automatic cut-out fuse to protect against power surges. To reset, remove power from the
transmitter for one second and then reconnect.