
CHAPTER 4: Configuration
4.2.9 S
There are many situations where access to corporate file servers or sensitive
information needs to be controlled. In such circumstances, the Multi-Head
ServSwitch can be locked away in a room or secure cabinet and controlled
remotely. In this mode, you can type the hotkey sequence followed by the number
“0” (zero) at the shared keyboard of the active control port in order to “lock” the
Switch. When you do so, the Switch blanks the screen, disconnects the keyboard
and mouse from all of the computers, and displays the letter “P” on its front-panel
display. Control can only be regained by typing the correct password on the
To set this password, get into configuration mode, then type the letter “P” and
press the [Enter] key. The Multi-Head ServSwitch will light the middle and bottom
segments of its front-panel display, so that it resembles a wide equals sign, and you
can then type your password. The password is not case-sensitive and can be any
combination of keystrokes, including function keys but excluding [Ctrl], [Alt],
[Shift], and [Enter]. (For example, the password [F4] [F] [R] [E] [D] [Home]
would be valid.) When you’ve finished typing in your password, press [Enter] to
save it to the Switch’s EEPROM. (This type of memory does not depend on active
power or even a battery backup, so it can persist indefinitely.) Don’t worry if you
type the password incorrectly; you can always re-enter it, even if you’ve exited and
re-entered configuration mode. (The exception to this is if somebody locks the
Switch, and you discover only then that you messed up entering the password or
can’t remember what the password is. At that point, you’ll have to power down the
Switch and hold down its front-panel pushbutton while powering it back on to get
back into configure mode—as described in Section 4.2.1—in order to change the
If you want to remove the password after setting one, get into configuration
mode, type the letter “P”, and press the [Enter] key as before, but then press
[Enter] again without typing in any other characters. (If you try to lock the Switch
before you’ve set a password, or after you’ve removed the password, the Switch will
still blank the video, but it won’t prevent someone from selecting another
4.2.10 E
When you’ve finished configuring the Multi-Head ServSwitch, simply type the
letter “E” and press [Enter]. The Switch will exit the configuration mode and
return to normal operation. The attached computers can now be switched on.