Quick Start Guide

This appliance includes some or all of the following features:
1. AC power adaptor receptacle (rear of unit).
2. Charging port (rear of unit).
3. Antenna.
4. Power On/Off, volume control.
5. Bass selector.
6. Speaker.
7. Charging indicator.
8. AM/FM/AUX Selector.
9. Station selector buttons.
10. MP3 player door.
11. Mode indicator.
12. Bass boost indicator.
13. Station frequency.
14. AC power adaptor (not shown)
15. Battery pack (not included)
Battery cap information
Battery storage and carrying caps are provided for use
whenever the battery is out of the tool or charger. Remove
the cap before placing the battery in charger or tool.
Charging the power pack
Warning! Do not expose the battery to excessive heat such
as sunshine, fire or similar.
The radio charger should be used in a well ventilated area
The radio charger is designed to use standard household
230 Vac.
X Insert the plug of the power adaptor into the radio
charger (fig B). Make sure that the charger plug is
correctly aligned with the radio socket before inserting it.
X Plug the power adaptor into any standard 230 Vac
electrical outlet.
Note: Do not charge by means of an engine generator or dc
power source. Use only 230 Vac.
X Slide the power pack into the back of the unit (fig C).
Make sure the power pack is fully seated in the port and
let the pack charge initially for 9 hours. After the initial
charge, under normal usage, your power pack should
be fully charged in 3 to 6 hours.
X The amber charger light on the radio face (fig. D) will
light indicating that the charging process has started.
Important charging notes
X After normal usage, your power pack should be fully
charged in 3 to 6 hours. If the pack is run-down
completely, it may take up to 9 hours to become fully
charged. Your power pack was sent from the factory in
an uncharged condition. Before attempting to use it, you
must charge it for at least 9 hours.
X Do not charge the power pack in an air temperature
below 4°C or above 40°C. This is important and will
prevent serious damage to the power pack. Longest life
and best performance can be obtained if power packs
are charged when air temperature is about 25°C.
X While charging, the charger may hum and become
warm to the touch. This is a normal condition and does
not indicate a problem.
X If the power pack does not charge properly:
- Check current at receptacle by plugging in a lamp or
other appliance.
- Check to see if receptacle is connected to a light
switch which turns power off when you turn out the
- Move charger and battery pack to a surrounding air-
temperature of 4°C to 40°C.
- Check to see that the amber charging indicator light is
lit on the face of the unit.
- If the receptacle, surrounding temperature and
charging indicator light are OK, and you do not get
proper charging, take or send the power pack and
radio charger to your local Black & Decker Service
X The power pack should be recharged when it fails to
produce sufficient power on jobs which were easily
done previously. DO NOT CONTINUE using the pack in
a depleted condition.
X The power pack will reach optimum performance after
being cycled 5 times during normal usage. There is no
need to run the pack down completely before
recharging. Normal usage is the best method of
discharging and recharging.
X The exposed charging contacts of the radio charger can
be accidentally shorted by foreign material. Foreign
materials of a conductive nature such as, but not limited
to, steel wool, aluminium foil, or any build up of metallic
particles should be kept away from radio charger
cavities. Unplug radio charger before attempting the
clean it.
Maintenance Stage
The trickle charge feature of the radio charger allows the
power pack to remain in the charger and ready for use. With
the power adaptor connected to standard household current,
the amber charging indicator light will glow constantly. The
radio charger will keep the power pack fully charged. A
power pack will slowly lose its charge when kept out of the