Technical data

(Original instructions)
Note: Ensure that the locking ring is tight and that the side ll
canister is rmly secured in place.
Aligning the pickup tube (g. B & C)
The pickup tube can be aligned in the direction that you will be
doing the most spraying to help minimize the amount of times
that you will have to rell the canister.
u If you are spraying at an upward angle or straight on,
position the pickup tube (g. B) toward the back of the
u If you are spraying at a downward angle, position the
pickup tube (g. C) toward the front of the canister.
This will ensure you spray as much material as possible
before you need to rell.
Removing and attaching the sprayer (g. D & E)
Removing the sprayer from the motor unit
u Press and hold the sprayer release button (5).
u Twist the sprayer (3) untill it is at 90
to the motor unit (4).
u Pull the sprayer (3) straight out from the motor unit (4).
u Release the sprayer release button (5).
Attaching the sprayer to the motor unit
u Press and hold the sprayer release button (5).
u Hold the sprayer (3) at 90
to the motor unit (4).
u Push the sprayer (3) straight in to the motor unit (4).
u Twist the sprayer (3) through 90
untill it is level with the
motor unit (4).
u Release the sprayer release button (5).
Warning! Ensure that the sprayer is rmly attached to the
motor unit before performing any spray opperations.
Filling the canister (g. F)
u Check to make sure that the side ll canister (6) is com-
pletely screwed onto the sprayer.
u Lay the sprayer on its side with the canister side lid facing
u Pour the properly thinned and strained material to be
sprayed into the side ll canister.
Note : Use the mixing bucket provided to pour material from
the original material container into the side ll canister.
u Clean any residual liquid from the threads or sides of the
canister and sprayer.
u Starting the threads evenly, screw the lid completely
onto the side ll canister. Check the lid to make sure it is
threaded on squarely and completely before picking up
the sprayer.
Switching on and off
The sprayer is turned on and off with the spray trigger.
u To turn the sprayer on, squeeze the spray trigger (2).
u To turn the sprayer off, release the spray trigger (2).
Warning! Never point the sprayer at any part of the body.
Never pull the trigger while adjusting the spray setting.
Selecting the spray pattern (g. G & H)
This sprayer is tted with a pattern select nozzle (10) which is
capable of 3 spray patterns. This is used to select the correct
spray pattern for your particular spraying operation.
Using the pattern select nozzle (10), choose from one of the
following applications:
Horizontal Flat Jet - Apply up and down a surface.
Circular Jet - for corners, edges and narrow surfaces.
Vertical Flat Jet. Apply side to side.
There are three spray patterns to choose from. They are
marked as 1, 2 and 3 on the pattern select label located on
the top of the sprayer (g. G)
u To select the required spray pattern, turn the pattern select
nozzle (10) and align the green indicator on the pattern
select nozzle (10) with the number on the label (g. H)
Warning! Never point the sprayer at any part of the body.
Never pull the trigger while adjusting the spray setting.
Flow control knob (g. I)
The ow control knob regulates the amount of liquid that can
be sprayed.
u Turn the ow control knob (8) clockwise to increase the
ow of liquid
u Turn the ow control knob (8) counterclockwise to
decrease the ow of liquid.
u The ow indicator (9) on the side of the sprayer moves
forward (minimal liquid ow) and backward (maximum
liquid ow) as the ow control knob (8) is turned.