Instruction Manual

Keyboard shortcuts
From the home screen, the
BlackBerry Hub, or the Phone app, you can perform a task simply by pressing and holding a
specific key on the BlackBerry Keyboard. For example, keyboard shortcuts can let you quickly open frequently used apps,
call a speed dial entry, or compose a message from one of your email accounts.
Your BlackBerry device has predefined keyboard shortcuts. You can also create your own keyboard shortcuts, and change
the shortcut action that is assigned to a key.
Related information
Use a keyboard shortcut key
Create or change a keyboard shortcut
Device Monitor
To help you track your data usage, the Device Monitor screen lets you see the total amount of data used by your BlackBerry
device, including data usage while roaming, and the total amount of data used by the apps on your device. You can also
specify limits and set notifications that are displayed on the device to help you monitor the amount of data you use.
Related information
Monitor your wireless data usage
Manage your mobile data settings
Set a monthly data limit notification
Settings menus
A new gesture lets you open the Quick Settings menu when you are in an app. Use two fingers to swipe down from the top
of the screen to open the Quick Settings menu.
You can now rearrange the options in the Settings menu and move options that you access frequently to the top of the
Setting menu to make them more accessible to you.
Related information
Customize your device settings
Show the menus
User Guide Setup and basics