User Manual

Add a contact
Manage contacts
Create a mailing list
Manage mailing lists
Create a category
Apply categories to contacts
View contacts by category
Delete categories
Add a pause or wait
Add contacts from your company address
Contacts — frequently asked questions
Add a contact
In the address book, click the trackwheel. Click
New Address. Type the contact information.
To add a contact from a message, memo, call log,
or web page, click the contact information. Click
Add to Address Book. Type any additional
information. Click the trackwheel. Click Save.
Manage contacts
Click a contact. Perform one of the following
Create a mailing list
1. In the address book, click the trackwheel.
2. Click New Group.
3. Type a name for the mailing list.
4. Click the trackwheel.
5. Click Add Member.
6. Click a contact.
7. Click Continue.
8. Click the trackwheel.
9. Click Save Group.
Manage mailing lists
To manage mailing lists, click a mailing list.
Perform one of the following actions:
View Group
Edit Group
Delete Group
To manage contacts in a mailing list, click a
contact. Perform one of the following actions:
View Member
Change Member
Delete Member
Add Member
When you delete members from a group or delete
a group, your contacts remain in the address book.
About categories
You create categories in which to group your
contacts. You can also narrow the contacts
displayed in the address book based on
More than one category can apply to a contact.
Category names are not case sensitive.