User's Guide

Setting phone options
User Guide 57
For RIM internal use only. Not for external distribution.
Delete a phone call log
1. Open the messages application. The Messages screen appears.
2. Click a phone call log. A menu appears.
3. Click Delete. A dialog box appears.
4. Click Delete. The phone call log is deleted.
Setting phone options
Setting call logging
You can set whether phone call logs appear on the Messages screen.
Set call logging
1. Open the phone. The Phone screen appears.
2. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
3. Click Options. The Phone Options screen appears.
4. Click Call Logging. The Call Logging screen appears.
5. In the following fields, press the Space key until the preferred
option appears:
6. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
7. Click Save. The options are saved.
Field Description Default
Show Logs In
Message List
Set whether phone call logs appear on the
Messages screen.
Log These Call
Set which types of calls generate a phone call