Operating instructions

To switch the display mode:
Press DIS during CD playback.
The display mode and the corresponding
setting or value will briefly show on the dis-
play panel, e.g. “TIME”, “2 : 32”.
If you have selected “NAME” without hav-
ing specified a name for the corresponding
disc, “CD PLAY” will appear in the display.
Please read also the chapter “Entering CD
Storing the display mode
You can store your preferred display mode
which will then be active each time the ra-
dio is switched on.
If required,
press DIS as many times until the de-
sired setting is displayed.
Hold down the DIS button until you
hear a beep.
SCAN operation
Use this function to scan all of the CD tracks.
To start the Scan function:
Press SC.
The titles will be scanned one after the oth-
er in ascending order.
To stop the Scan function:
Press SC briefly.
The track currently being scanned is con-
tinued to be played.
SCAN will also be terminated by
pressing one of the buttons AUD,
, << >> or / .
Entering CD names
You can name up to 99 discs.
The specified name (e.g. VIVALDI) will then
appear in the display.
Be sure to select the display mode “NAME”
using the DIS button.
To start the entry:
Press the DSC button.
“CDC-NAME” will be displayed.
The first underscore character will flash.
Select the first character with the help
of the rocker switch
/ .
You have the choice between the capital
letters A to Z, special characters and the
numbers 0 to 9.
Use the rocker switch << >> to move
to the next underscore and select a
You can select up to seven characters.
Once you have completed the name as de-
in order to store it.
To quit the naming mode,
leave the DSC menu by pressing DSC.
If you would like to name another CD,
select a new disc.
You can change any existing name by en-
tering and storing a new one (overwriting).
Deleting CD names with
You can delete a CD name with the help of
the DSC update function. Use “CDC UPD”
to confirm all of the CDs for which the spec-
ified name is not to be deleted.
Insert a magazine with CDs for which
the stored information is to be main-
Press the DSC button.
/ to select “CDC UPD”.
Press << >>.
After the update has been completed,
“NEXT MAG” appears in the display.
Press the
button on the changer for
approximately two seconds.
The magazine will eject.
Insert the next magazine.