User Manual

Main differences between Blips models are about focal length and
optical magnification (the digital zoom of the camera is not
Focal length
Aprox. Magnification
Macro plus
20 mm
5 X
12 mm
10 X
6 mm
20 X
3 mm
33 X
For subjects that can not be approached too much (i.e. the iris of
the eye) or are difficult to shoot (i.e. insects on the move) the ideal
solution are Macro and Macro plus; these lenses constitute the
Macro Kit and are also included in the Full Kits.
Subjects for which a larger detail is needed can be shot with the
Micro lens.
The Ultra lens, given its strong magnifying factor, can allow the
observation of tiny details, such as tissue cells of animals and plants.
However, such a magnification requires a smartphone support
(vibrations make free-hand observation very difficult) and a
transmitting light (as on the optical microscope).
In fact, the ideal solution for the Ultra lens is the associated Lab Kit,
which includes a light source and a phone support: