Product Info

Default setting: 1 Active SLOT(Device Info)
0dBm TX power and 1000ms Advertising Interval.
4. Configurable Parameters
Item Value Default Setting Range and Remarks
iBeacon UUID - 16bytes
Major - 0~65535
Minor - 0~65535
UID Namespace - 10bytes
Instance ID - 6bytes
URL Encoded Scheme Prefix - 4types: http://www. https://www. http:// https://
Encoded URL - 2-17 bytes
TLM - - TLM shows only one in the broadcast.
Device Name - BeaconX Pro Up to 20 characters
Advertising Interval - 1000ms 100~10000ms, Unit:100ms
Tx Power - 0dBm -40dBm to 4dBm, 9 adjustable grades
Password - Moko4321 1-16 characters or NO password
Connection Mode - Connectable Connectable/Unconnectable
Trigger 1.Button double tap - Always advertise
Start advertising for a while1~65535s
Stop advertising for a while1~65535s
2.Button triple tap - Always advertise
Start advertising for a while1~65535s
Stop advertising for a while1~65535s
3.Device moves - Always advertise
Start advertising after a static period time1~65535s
Stop advertising after a static period time1~65535s
3-axis accelerometer Sensor Full Scales ±2g ±2g±4g±8g±16g
Output data rate 10 Hz 1 Hz10 Hz25 Hz50 Hz100 Hz
Sensitivity 7 7 to 255
5. Mechanical Draws
All dimensions is mm.