User guide

Loud Perfect for recording loud sound sources, such as live music, sporting events, parties, or, say,
a monster truck rally. The loud setting is fixed for sources in the 100-130dB range and will not change
sensitivity for quieter sources.
Auto Mode Auto Mode is perfect for most volume sources like speaking voices in interviews or
meetings, or soft instruments like the violin or acoustic guitar. In Auto Mode, Mikey utilizes an automatic
gain control circuit to adjust microphone sensitivity when a sound source is quiet, and helps to keep the
microphone from overloading when a sound source is too loud. While the circuit will automatically adjust
to quiet or loud sources, we recommend using the Loud or Quiet settings if you know the source you are
recording will be consistently quiet or loud.
Quiet Perfect for recording soft sound sources, like an un-amplified lecture, distant noises, or a pin
drop! The Quiet setting is intended for sources in the 45-65dB range and will not adjust in the event of louder
sounds. You can use Mikey’s Overload Indicator to verify that the source is not too loud for a clean recording.