
Blue Sky Energy – Universal Communication Module
Total battery Amp-Hour rating at 25°C, 20hr rate.
Stored in and used by IPN-ProRemote.
Battery self discharge rate in percent per month at
25°C. Stored and used by IPN-ProRemote.
Sets IPN Master charge controller “load control”
on/off operation to be based on battery Volts or
battery Amp-Hours from full.
Note: Set voltage settings if using amp-hour control
as the charge controller will revert to voltage control
if battery Amp-Hour information is unavailable.
Enables, disables and sets ON time for lighting
control mode. Lighting control mode is disabled if
BOTH Post-Dusk and Pre-Dawn timers are set to
DISABLED. Lighting control mode is enabled if
EITHER Post-Dusk or Pre-Dawn timers are set to a
numeric time value. Entering a setting of 0.0 hours
will disable that particular timer and return the word
DISABLED in the setting box.
Do not press SET with the word DISABLED in the
setting box or an unusual numeric value will be
With charge efficiency set to 94%, battery is
expected to retain 94 Amp-Hours for each 100
Amp-Hours of charge delivered. With charge
efficiency mode set to FIXED, charge efficiency
value remains as set. If set to AUTO charge
efficiency automatically adjusts based on observed
battery charge efficiency. Stored and used by IPN-
Maximum charge voltage setpoint limit regardless
of other settings or temperature compensation.
Restores as shipped factory default settings in the
charge controller(s). IPN-ProRemote defaults
cannot be restored from the UCM. Refer to charge
controller and IPN-ProRemote operator manuals.
User defined Location Name reminder.