
Installation and Operation Manual
The CSV datalog file as viewed in a spreadsheet such as Excel is organized into rows and columns. Each row is a single datalog record. Each record
contains a variety of data values which are presented in columns. If a data value in a record is unavailable that cell will contain dashes (――). Each data item is
the minimum, maximum, total, etc., for that data record time period. Spreadsheet column A contains the record number. Record 0 is the present time period
record still being collected, -1 is one complete record ago, -2 is two complete records ago, etc., up to 127 complete records. Note that record 0 is an incomplete
record which is still in the process of being collected and will show data up to the point in time the datalog file was downloaded. Once the present record 0 time
period ends record 0 is stored as record -1, the entire record stack shifts down by 1, and a new record 0 is started. If 127 records are present and a new record is
saved, the oldest record is lost. A partial datalog record is shown below.
¾ The first record following charge controller boot may show a maximum PV voltage value (MaxInV) greater than the maximum
actually seen during the record period. This is due to the charge controller sending the highest PV voltage it has ever seen for
the first 10 seconds following boot which is then captured in the datalog.
Datalog record number, older records below newer records
B MaxVbat Maximum battery volts
C MinVbat Minimum battery volts
ccpTime Total minutes in Acceptance charge mode
E FloatTime Total minutes in Float charge mode
F MaxDsch
Maximum net battery discharge amps (negative)
from IPN-ProRemote
G MaxDschAH Maximum discharge amp-hours from full (negative)
from IPN-ProRemote
H MinDschAH Minimum discharge amp-hours from full (negative)
from IPN-ProRemote
I MaxTotChgA Maximum total PV charge amps
sum of all charge controllers on IPN network
J RecdTime
ctual time period of this record in hours
K #0MaxInV Maximum PV volts
from Master charge controller
IPN address 0
L #0MaxOutA Maximum output amps from Master charge controller
IPN address 0
M #0ChgAH Total output amp-hours from Master charge controller
IPN address 0
N #1MaxInV Same charge controller voltage, current and amp-hour data as columns K, L & M
above, but for charge controller Slave address #1. Additional columns to the right
contain the same data for charge controller address #2 - #7.
O #1MaxOutA
P #1ChgAH
One of the ways the UCM can be used to monitor system status remotely is through File Transfer Protocol or FTP. The UCM can be configured to
send files via FTP to a remote server at timed intervals as a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file format. The Hours Between Uploads setting may range from
0.1 to 24.0 hours. Entering a setting of 0.0 hours disables FTP transfer and return the word DISABLED in the setting box. The file provides a snapshot of
system performance data at the time the file is sent. There are two methods that file names uploaded to the server can be handled.
The default of setting of Increment File Name will cause each file uploaded to have a different name of FtpData#.csv where # is incremented by one
each FTP upload. In this case all uploaded files typically remain on the server until deleted by the user. If this option is selected # will start at 0 at UCM boot,
reach a maximum count of 65,535, and then repeat.
The other setting of Use Same File Name will cause each file uploaded to the server to be the same name of FtpData.csv. In this case, each
uploaded file overwrites the previous file. Note that if the Use Same File Name option is selected # (from Increment File Name) continues to increment in the
background with each file upload but is not appended to the file name.