
Installation and Operation Manual
¾ CAUTION: A 500A/50mV current shunt must be used with the IPN-ProRemote. The shunt is used to measure net battery current
and must be installed in series with battery negative. Damage caused by installation in series with battery positive will void the limited
warranty. All negative current carrying conductors from all charging sources and loads must connect to the charge controller side of
the shunt as shown in Figure 6 such that all current flowing to or from battery negative flows through the shunt. Current carrying
conductors (other than the shunt) attached to battery negative will produce inaccurate battery current readings and amp-hour
counting. Shunt signal cable length should be limited to roughly 300 feet (91.5m) maximum. Tighten shunt power connection
bolts to 11 ft-lb (14.9 nm) and #10 sensing screws to 20 in-lb (2.3 nm). IPN-ProRemote shunt signal wire compression terminals
are to be tightened to 2.1 in-lb (0.24 nm). Note that the battery temperature sensor lug is not a current carrying conductor and
must remain on battery negative.
Current Shunt Signal Wiring
The shunt itself is not a polarized device. Once installed in series with battery negative it produces the +/– signal polarity shown in Figure 6 when the
battery is being charged. The +/– shunt signal connections must connect to the corresponding +/– IPN-ProRemote shunt terminal block locations for proper
current polarity reading on the Battery Volt/Amp screen. The shunt produces very sensitive microvolt level signals and signal wires must be twisted pairs.
Lengths less than 35 feet (10.7m) can be unshielded twisted pairs if routed away from power or noise generating conductors. Shielded twisted pair cable is
preferred for lengths greater than 35 feet (10.7m) or where electrical noise is expected. Terminate shield drain wire to earth ground at one end only.
Resetting Current Shunt Zero
The sensitive nature of the shunt signal measurement circuits can produce a slight drift or offset in the zero reading (0.0A) due to several factors
including normal electronic component aging. A Reset Current Shunt Zero function is provided to compensate for zero offset and provide an accurate zero
¾ CAUTION: It is critically important that a Reset Current Shunt Zero function not be performed without first providing a true zero
current signal to the IPN-ProRemote. This is accomplished by temporarily placing both shunt sensing wires at the current
shunt under the same #10-32 signal screw. Failure to provide a true zero signal in this manner before executing the Reset
Current Shunt Zero function will result in inaccurate battery current readings and amp-hour counting.
Do not confuse small charge or discharge currents flowing in the shunt due to normal system operation as zero offset error. For the purpose of testing
the accuracy of the current shunt measurement system zero, a true zero must be applied as described above. Failure to provide a true zero signal in this
manner will not reflect the true accuracy of the current shunt measurement system zero.
To reset current shunt zero and remove zero offset error:
1. Place both shunt signal wires under the same #10 shunt sense signal screw on the current shunt to provide a true zero signal.
2. Perform the Reset Current Shunt Zero function from the Setup Menu.
3. Press BACK twice to return to the Battery Volt/Amp screen to examine the new zero reading. If zero is not within ±0.1A or better repeat the Reset
Current Shunt Zero function and check again.
4. Zero offset correction data is now stored in memory and retained if power is lost.
5. Return current shunt signal wires to their normal shunt sense screw positions.
Each charge controller includes an IPN DISPLAY connector which provides power and IPN network connection. The IPN-ProRemote can plug into
any charge controller on the network using the standard 4 conductor RJ-11 voice telephone cable supplied.
¾ Standard 4-pin telephone cables swap pin numbers end-to-end. If cables are custom terminated or cable couplers are used,
be certain pin swap is maintained. Do not plug into anything other than a IPN-compatible communications port. Total maximum
cable length should be limited to approximately 500 feet (152.4m).
RJ-11 Modular plug
Viewed from open end
Where cable is inserted
Pin 1
Standard 4-pin telephone cable pin swap