User's Instructions

CellTrackIT user manual Version 0.8 Page 18
Figure 12. Node Receiver Connections.
Installing the Node Receiver Antenna. The coaxial cable that connects the
antenna to the Node Receiver is in the Node accessories box. It is 60 feet
long. One end of the cable requires an N type Male connector that is then
screwed on the antenna. The other end requires a male TNC connector that
attaches to the RX/TX connection on the CellTrackIT unit. Appendix 2 covers
in detail the cable assembly and antenna mounting procedures.
Important: Do not handle the antenna when connected to a powered
CellTrackIT transceiver, or make sure the minimum separation between
antenna and personnel is 20 cm (6 inches). Locate the antenna in a manner
that ensures that the public will not be exposed within this separation distance
for purpose of FCC RF exposure compliance.
The Node Receiver antenna should be installed so that it clears the roof and
isn't obstructed by any part of the building. The antenna should be at least 6
inches away from any metal object along its length and tip. The standard
practice is to attach a 1-inch x 10 feet conduit pipe (normally found at home
improvement stores) to the roof element. If the antenna pole needs to be
longer, use a thicker pipe to compensate for wind velocity or add guide wires
to secure the pole (Check local ordinances for compliance requirements). The
antenna with its attachment bracket is then connected to the pole. Most CB
radio and electronics stores have mounting brackets for mounting antennas
and antenna poles. Run the coaxial cable down the inside of the pipe if
The coaxial cable that comes out from the end of the antenna pole will need
to be placed in conduit (PVC pipe) or attached to the wall. Avoid damaging
the coaxial cable when attaching it to the wall. Make sure that the attachment
nails do not puncture the black plastic covering or any portion of the cable.
The antenna that is provided with the CellTrackIT transceiver has been FCC
compliance certified and approved and can't be replaced with any other
antenna. Contact RAMAR Technical Support if the antenna needs replacing
or is not available at the time of installation.
Verifying Node Receiver Operation. Once the node receiver is
installed and the connections are completed check the two red LEDs for
activity. The POWER LED should be on while the DATA LED will be
VAC Power