User's Manual

CellTrackIT user manual Version 0.9 Page 17
The installer needs to procure all parts not included in the CellTrackIT
system. This means that a certain amount of lead-time is needed to
ensure that parts arrive prior to the actual on site installation.
External subcontract work such as the AC power conduit installation for
the repeaters and the telephone line installation for the PC needs to be
scheduled and completed.
Proper tools need to be identified so that there will not be on site delays
due to improper or missing tools. In particular, determine how the
repeaters and the antennas will be installed on/in the apartment roofs. In
some cases, special ladders will be needed that can reach more then two
When installing the water meters with attached transponders track serial
numbers to apartment address or account numbers to minimize confusion
later on. It is very easy to mistake a read from one apartment when it
belongs to another due to wrong record keeping.
Before proceeding to the installation, it is recommended to check the
following items:
Equipment, tools and installation materials are available.
Site owner and site maintenance manager are aware and agree with
installation operations that will be performed.
All the locations where repeaters and node are planned to be installed will
be easily accessible.
Power and phone lines have been installed or their installation is planned to
match with the requirement to leave the site with a fully installed CellTrackIT
All the transponders will be installed before completion of the CellTrackIT
A matching list of transponders ID and meter (or apartment) number is
Any missing item in that list will imply to be addressed on site. That could
delay CellTrackIT installation.
Installing the CellTrackIT System.
Installing the Node Receiver. Installing the Node Receiver consist of
plugging a CellTrackIT transceiver to a 115 VAC power outlet and connecting
the RS232 cable between the COMMS Port of the CellTrackIT unit and the
PC. The Com1 on the PC is normally where the cable is connected. Once
this is done, then the antenna with the associated coaxial wiring is installed.