User's Manual

Multipoint: Using 2 Phones with the S4
The S4 can store pairing information for up to 4 Bluetooth devices. Up to 2 devices can connect to the S4 at the
same time: if either phone rings, you can answer it with the S4.
Use the “Pair Me” command to put your S4 back into pairing mode to pair another phone. Any currently
connected phone will be disconnected during pairing, so you will need to reconnect afterwards.
Which Phone is Used for Calls?
When you have two phones connected to the S4 at the same time you can always answer an incoming call on
either phone. If you initiate a call or a phone function through the S4 (for example by saying Phone Commands,
Redial or Call Back) then the call or phone function takes place on the primary phone: the one that connected
to the S4 first.
The primary phone will change when your phones disconnect from the S4 and reconnect, if they reconnect in a
different order.
Please note that the Redial command calls a different number depending on which phone is used. When you
say Redial the S4 instructs the primary phone to redial its last outgoing call, so the number called will depend