User guide

5. Can I transfer an ongoing call back to my phone to continue it there?
Yes, simply short press the MFB and volume buttons together and the call will transfer
back to the phone. Or long press the MFB button, the headset will turn off and the call will
continue on the phone.
6. How many devices can I pair to the X3 micro?
The X3 micro can store pairing information for 3 different phone devices and connect to
either when requested using Multi-Connect Call Switching Technology. With the headset
on… press the MFB once to connect to the first paired phone, twice for the second and
three times for the third. The X3 micro can only connect to one phone at a time. To connect
to the second or third phone the first must be disconnected by short pressing MFB and
volume buttons.
7. Is my phone compatible?
If your phone has Bluetooth it more than likely supports a Handsfree or Headset Bluetooth
profile, and so will work with the X3 micro. Check your phones manual or our compatibility
list on the Blueant website for up to date information.
8. What is the passcode/passkey of the X3 micro?
The Passcode for the X3 micro is “1234”.
9. Can I change the passcode of the X3 micro?
No, the passkey is inbuilt and cannot be changed.
10. Can I use voice activated dialing if my phone supports it?
Yes the X3 micro supports voice activated dialing if your phone also supports it. Check your
phones user manual for information on setting this up.
11. Can I use the X3 micro to listen to music from my mobile?
Some mobiles can send music to the X3 micro using the Handsfree profile but it will be a
mono signal and sound a bit like an AM radio.