User's Manual

BIP-1300 Copyrightⓒ 2006 Bluebird Soft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. < 13 >
7. Battery
When PDA and extra battery are in the cradle at the same time, PDA will be charged at first, and then extra battery start to charge.
Therefore, extra battery will be charged longer when PDA and extra battery are in the cradle at the same time
LED during charging
When battery is placed in cradle improperly, orange LED blinks on the cradle. Please re-
insert battery again.
Battery is consumable and its life will get shorter. When battery working time is shorter than
new battery, battery needs to replace new one. (Battery warranty is 6 month after purchase)
Battery life will vary depending on the working environment such as carrier’s service,
temperature, and battery using time. Battery working time may get shorter when magnetic
card reader, printer, IC card reader, internet and etc are in use.
Charging Completely Charged
Charge LED
PDA Cradle PDA Cradle
PDA Phone Orange Green
PDA in cradle Orange Green
Battery in cradle Orange Green
PDA & battery in cradle (charge PDA ) Orange Orange Green Green
PDA & battery in cradle (charge battery) Green Orange Green Green
Charge indicator
Cradle charge indicator