User's Manual

BM-150R Series Manual
VVIIII.. CChhaannggiinngg YYoouurr SSeettttiinnggss
Wireless LAN Setup sets up the network card environment
which connects it to the surrounding AP through the
setting up of the wireless LAN.
[ Wi-Fi ]
Set Up Wireless LAN through Wi-Fi.
[Start] [Settings]
[Connections] [Wi-Fi]
Set Up Method for Wireless LAN
1. If you turn on Wi-Fi from Wireless Manager, it will search
the AP within the vicinity and show it on the screen.
2. Choose the AP from the wireless network list indicated
and press [Connect].
- If the AP information cannot be received please set it up
1. Touch [Add New...] from the Configure Wireless
Networks window.
2. Input the AP name of [Network name].
Then check the AP setup content.
3. Press [Finish].
4. The AP name will appear on the screen list.
5. The process will be completed by pressing [Connect].
Connections Tab3