Spec Sheet

Barcode trigger handles
In order to achieve productive work process, barcode
trigger handles are must-have items. They allow you to
capture barcodes faster and easier. They are the right
choice where faster process is needed to enhance daily
Wearable scanner trigger ring
The use of wearable computers benefits their work-
flow directly, in terms of productivity and accuracy.
Today, inventory professionals are facing the growing
demands of meeting smaller deliveries with more items
delivered directly to customers.
Along with the Bluebird wearable computer solutions,
workers can pick more orders per day, improving two
performances objectives: on-time delivery and order
Various and professional options
Experience comprehensive functionality with a number of accessory options. Even cradles have many slots and
more battery slots are available, so you don’t need extra battery toasters.
For professional options, you can expand your mobile device functions, such as RFID trigger handles (RFR900),
fingerprint scanners, wearable scanner trigger ring, and barcode trigger handles.
RFR900, trigger handle type handheld
RFID reader
The RFR900 is a wide range RFID reader made in a
trigger handle shape. It ensures high recognition rate,
user comfort and complete compatibility with Blue-
bird’s mobile computers. It recognizes and processes
data at rapid speed, increasing efficiency for all your
management needs and identification.
Fingerprint scanner options
Expand your operation security by adding the finger-
print scanning, determining whether your employees
are logged in when they need to be. With the highest
level of security for public safety and finance business,
utilize the biometric feature for law enforcing public
sectors or military access control environments.