User Manual

BLUETAKE BT007Si / BT009Si Bluetooth USB Adapter – User Manual
How to pair with another device
- Automatically
If a passkey is required for connection, the devices will be paired automatically the
first time they successfully exchange passkeys and connect. After a device has
successfully paired with your computer, the remote device icon in the Main Window
will have a red checkmark next to it.
- Manually
In the Main Window, right click on the device icon, and in the pop-up menu, select
Pair Device. In the Enter Bluetooth Passkey screen, enter the same passkey that
you enter on the remote device. After a device has successfully paired with your
computer, the remote device icon will have a red checkmark next to it.
How to un-pair with another device
In the Main Window, right-click on the device icon, and in the pop-up menu, select
Unpair. The red checkmark next to the device icon will disappear.
A-1.3.2 General Security
To access the security configuration screen, click My Bluetooth | Security…
- Security Level
. Low
If checked, other devices will be able to access your device freely without
entering a passkey.
However, if the remote device requires a passkey to connect, then both
devices need to exchange passkeys.
. Medium
The medium level provides service level security. You can assign the
appropriate level of access for each specific service. For more details, see
A.3.4 Local Services Security.
. High
If checked, passkeys must be exchanged for every incoming and outgoing
connection, unless the two devices have already paired in the past.