
RS-232 Configuration and Telnet Commands
The Blustream matrix can be controlled via serial and TCP/IP.
The RS-232 port is used for configuration and control of the product, as well as pass through of RS-232 commands to a
compatible Blustream HDBaseT™ receiver.
The default RS-232 communication settings are:
Baud rate: 57600
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Parity bit: none
The following pages list all available serial commands.
Commonly used Serial Commands
There are several commands that are commonly used for control and testing:
STATUS Status will give feedback on matrix such as zones on, type of connection etc...
PON Power on
POFF Power o
OUTxxON (xx is the zone number you wish to turn on)
Example:- OUT01ON (This would turn output one back on)
OUTxxFRyy (xx is the zone out, yy is the input)
Example:- OUT01FR04 (This would switch output 1 to source input 4)
Common Mistakes
Carriage return – Some programs do not require the carriage return where as other will not work unless sent
directly aer the string. In the case of some Terminal soware the token <CR> is used to execute a carriage return.
Depending on the program you are using this token maybe dierent. Some other examples that other control systems
deploy include \r or 0D (in hex)
Spaces – Blustream commands do not require space between commands unless specified. There may be some
programs that require spacing in order to work.
- How the string should look is as follows OUT01ON
- How the string may look if spaces are required: OUT{Space}01{Space}ON
Baud rate or other serial protocol settings not correct