Owner`s manual

Table Of Contents
Index Data Technology Repairs Car care Controls Overview
Cellular phone* Radio reception
Mobile communications systems (cellu-
lar phone, radio, etc.) are permitted
with an output of up to 10 watts only.
Even these systems may trigger mal-
functions in the operation of your vehi-
cle if they are not specifically designed
for use with the vehicle. BMW can nei-
ther test nor assume responsibility for
every individual product being offered
on the market. We recommend that you
consult your BMW center before pur-
chasing any device of this kind.
To ensure that your BMW continues to
provide reliable and trouble-free opera-
tion, do not use a cellular phone or
other radio device with an antenna
located inside the passenger compart-
ment. The antenna should always be
mounted on the outside of the vehicle.
Before loading the vehicle on a
car-carrier train or driving it
through a car wash, remove the
The reception and sound quality
obtained from mobile radios varies
according to a variety of factors, includ-
ing the broadcast range of the transmit-
ter and the directional orientation of the
antenna. Interference factors such as
high-tension power lines, buildings and
natural obstructions can all lead to
unavoidable reception interference,
regardless of how well the vehicle
sound system is operating.
Climatic factors such as intense solar
radiation, fog, rain and snow can also
interfere with reception.
Cellular phones without official BMW
approval can also generate interfer-
ence. This phenomenon assumes the
form of a low-pitched hum emanating
from the speaker system.
Please refer to the Owner's Manual
provided with your audio system for
detailed information on its use.
Online Edition for Part No. 01 41 0 155 420 - © 01/01 BMW Group