Operation Manual

Adjust the damping character-
istic, using the tool from the
on-board toolkit to turn adjust-
ing screw 1.
If you want a softer damping
characteristic, use a screw-
driver to turn adjusting screw 1
in the direction indicated by the
S arrow.
If you want a harder damping
characteristic, use a screw-
driver to turn adjusting screw 1
in the direction indicated by the
H arrow.
Basic setting of rear-sus-
pension damping charac-
without Electronic Suspen-
sion Adjustment (ESA)
Turn the adjusting screw as
far as it will go in the direc-
tion indicated by the H arrow
and then turn it back one
and a half turns in the direc-
tion indicated by the S arrow
(Full load of fuel, with rider
85 kg)
with lowered suspension
without Electronic Suspen-
sion Adjustment (ESA)
Turn the adjusting screw as
far as it will go in the direc-
tion indicated by the H arrow
and then turn it back three
quarters of a turn in the dir-
ection indicated by the S
arrow (Full load of fuel, with
rider 85 kg)
Electronic Suspension
Adjustment ESA
with Electronic Suspension Ad-
justment (ESA)
Electronic Suspension Adjust-
ment ESA provides a convenient
way of adapting the motorcycle
to the load it carries and the sur-
face over which you intend riding.
You can adapt the suspension
settings for on-road or off-road
Three spring-preload stages can
be combined with any of three
damper settings for road riding,
while two spring-preload stages
can be paired with any of three
damper settings for off-roading.
The detailed description of the
ESA Electronic Suspension Ad-
justment system starts on page
( 85).