Owner manual

Single ASCII-encoded byte. 0 means OFF and 1 means ON.
This will be set to ON after the counter has been turned off or a remote interface
Enabling the auto mode will clear the previously-specified value of approximate
frequency if any.
The only way to disable this is to set a approximate value for the frequency using the
[:SENSe]:FREQuency:EXPected[1 2 3] <numeric value> [HZ] command.
Save/recall operation does not apply on this value.
[:SENSe]:FUNCtion[:ON] <sensor function>
Sets or queries the <sensor function> which will be sensed by the counter.
These are the <sensor function>s:
“[:][XNONe:]DCYCLe[1]” or “[:][XNONe:]PDUTycycle[1]”
“[:][XNONe:]FALL:TIME[1]” or “[:][XNONe:]FTIMe[1]”
“[:][XNONe:]RISE:TIME[1]” or “[:][XNONe:]RTIMe[1]”
“[:][XNONe:]FREQuency[1 2 3]”
“[:][XNONe:]FREQuency:RATio[1,2 2,1 3 3,1]”
“[:][XNONe:]PERiod[1 2 3]”
“[:][XNONe:]VOLTage:PTPeak[1 2]”
“[:][XNONe:]VOLTage:MAXimum[1 2]”
“[:][XNONe:]VOLTage:MINimum[1 2]”
<function> <channel> [,<channel>]” string is returned.
This will be set back to default, which is “FREQency 1” after the counter has been
turned off or after a remote interface reset.
If the specified channel is the default channel, the returned string will skip it, and it
is shown only when the specified channel is not the default channel. For instance, if