User's Manual

Data Channels Tab
The SenseWear
Armband has 4 configuration options available for data collection.
1. Algorithims - This configuration is the minimum set of data channels need to
calculate energy expenditure and lifestyle algorithims at a sample rate of once per
2. High Rate - This configuration is for collecting High Rate data from the
3. Research - This configuration collects all of the channels necessary for lifestyle
and energy expenditure algorithims at the rate of once per minute. This
configuration also collects data from proprietary channels that will be used in
future versions of this software.
4. Custom Channel Configuration - With this option, you may customize your
channel configuration. Once a data channel is turned on, you can customize the
sampling rate by using the dropdown menu or you may choose a sample rate for
all channels from the dropdown on the left. Keep in mind that changing this value
from one will either increase or decrease the estimation of total continuous data
To turn a data channel on/off, click the checkbox to the left of the data channel
name. Keep in mind that turning channels on/off will change (either increase or
decrease) the estimation of total continuous data collection. At the bottom of the
screen, you will see the estimation of total data the Armband can collect before it
runs out of memory for the configuration that you have chosen.
NOTE: You can save custom settings to a file by clicking the "Save Settings to
File" button. You can then use the "Load Settings from File" button to retrieve
your custom configurations.