User Manual

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Important Information About the SenseWear
Important Information About the SenseWear
The equipment or syst em should not be used adj acent t o or st acked wit h ot her equipment and
t hat if adj acent or st acked use is necessary, t he equipment or system should be observed t o
verif y normal operat ion in t he con gurat ion in which it will be used.
The SenseWear
biotransceiver should not be used in airplanes, hospit als or locat ions where cel-
lular t elephones or elect ronic devices are prohibit ed.
Keep t he SenseWear
biotransceiver out of reach of children. The product cont ains small er,
removable part s whi ch can become chocking hazards.
Water resistance
DO NOT IMMERSE THE BIOTRANSCEIVER IN WATER. The biot ransceiver is not designed t o be used
underwat er or t o come in continuous cont act wit h water. To prevent a shock hazard, never use
t he armband in wat er environment s (e. g., in t he shower, swimming pool, or rain). IPX0 classi-
Ordinary Prot ect ion, not prot ect ed against ingress t o moist ure.
Bat teries
Bat t eries may explode or leak and can cause burn inj ury if recharged, disposed of in re, or
disassembled. Dispose of properly. For f urt her inf ormat ion about t he disposal bat t ery, please
fol lowing manuf act urer s instruct ions.
Bat t eries may present a choking hazard for smal l children.
Remove batt ery if biot ransceiver will not be used f or over 30 days.
Avoid exposing t he biot ransceiver to ext reme temperat ures, direct sunlight , moist ure, sand,
dust , or mechanical shock.
Dispose of device in accordance wit h local, st at e, f eder al, or count ry speci c regul at ions.
Changes or modi cat ions t o t hi s equipment not expressly approved by t he part y responsible f or
compliance could void t he users aut horit y t o operat e t he equipment .
If t he biot ransceiver is dropped, ensure t hat it is working properl y and not physically damaged
before r el ying on readings.
Moist en a soft clot h or t owel wit h mil d disinfect ant soap and wat er. Wipe and dry t he biot rans-
ceiver. Never use solvent s t o clean t he biotransceiver, only for disinfect i ng (see below).
Wipe biot ransceiver wi t h sof t cl ot h dampened wit h 70% isopropyl alcohol. Al low biot ransceiver
t o dry f or 5-10 minut es before using DO NOT STERILIZE THIS UNIT.