Quick Guide

4. Automatically recognize and display translation results after the photo is completed
System Upgrade
Translation opportunities are not regularly updated to upgrade system firmware, if your translator
is unable to implement an update:
a) Please check if the network connection of the translator is normal. Only when the network is
normal will the translator update the firmware system.
b) Please check if the translation machine is >30%, and only upgrade the firmware system if the
device power is >30%.
Offline translation
language selection:
*The translator currently only supports 8 kinds of offline translations in Chinese (Simplified),
Chinese (Traditional), English, Japanese, Korean, French, Russian, and Spanish (changes will be
made as the version is updated)
* At the top of the translation home page, click the language button to enter the language selection
list and click the desired source language\target language option.
Translation operation:
* Press and hold the voice input button on the device (the left voice button corresponds to the
language on the left side of the home page, and the right voice button corresponds to the language
on the right side of the home page) to enter the voice recognition state. Press the voice button
to hear the tone and then speak.
* After the release of the voice automatically recognizes the parsing, and automatically
translates into the set target language and voice broadcast (the voice broadcast mode depends
on the settings)
*The list shows the text record of the voice translation. When there are too many translation
records, slide the page up and down to view the translation record.