Operating instructions

Product Description
GMS810-/GMS811-FIDOR · Operating Instructions · 8013911 V1-0 · © SICK AG 13
Subject to change without notice
2.2.1 Method of operation
The FIDOR operates independently.
Automatic ignition of the flame and regulation of the operating pressures.
Automatic start-up.
The FIDOR signals an uncertain operational states with status indicators.
The FIDOR remains in Measuring mode.
Should a malfunction occur, the FIDOR switches automatically to “Failure”. The heated
line and the sample gas path in the FIDOR are automatically purged with instrument air
in this state.
The operational states are signaled by status signals.
FIDOR measures the total of all hydrocarbons. Measurement is not component-specific.
The measurement signal is approximately proportional to the number of organically bound
C atoms of the hydrocarbons in the sample gas. A different sensitivity to the hydrocarbon
atoms is reflected by the response factor.
Electronic pressure regulators keep the sample gas inlet and outlet pressure constant. The
combustion air and the fuel gas are also regulated to constant flows with electronic control-
The sample gas is suctioned in with an ejector pump.
After device switch-on and reaching the nominal temperatures (detector and external heat-
ing), the partial vacuums are regulated. Combustion air and hydrogen are then regulated
and the flame ignited.
2.2.2 Functional units
FIDOR contains the following independent functional units:
The "Basic Control Unit" (BCU) that manages the FID and contains the operator panel.
The FID for analyzing the measured component.
The functional unit FID is independent and has its own menu structure on the operator
panel with own parameter setting, own password level etc.
Functions of the Basic Control Unit (BCU)
As higher level control unit, the BCU itself provides the operator panel to operate the
The BCU reads the measured values of the FID.
The settings of the BCU and the measured values calculated by the BCU can be viewed
and set (with password protection) using the “Basic Control Unit” menu item.
Functions of the FID analyzer
The FID records measured values.
The measured values and settings of the FID can be viewed and parameters set (with
password protection) using menu item “FIDOR”.