Operating instructions

46 GMS810-/GMS811-FIDOR · Operating Instructions · 8013911 V1-0 · © SICK AG
Subject to change without notice Reference gas
Menu: FIDOR/Parameter/Reference gas
This menu is used to define the reference gas. Sample gas
Menu: FIDOR/Parameter/Sample gas Sample gas spec.
Menu: FIDOR/Parameter/Sample gas spec.
If the settings are to be changed: “Sample gas user defined” must be selected in menu
FIDOR/Parameter/Sample gas. Measuring point
Menu: FIDOR/Parameter/Measuring point
Menu item Significance
Value Concentration of reference gas.
The reference gas concentration should be approx. 80% of the end value set.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Unit Unit of reference gas.
Enter with <>, <Set>.
Ref.gas Reference gas (e.g. propane).
Enter with <>, <Set>.
Menu item Significance
Sample gas user
Name of sample gas (propane, methane, ethane, user defined).
Enter with <>, <Save>.
Menu item Significance
Name Name. Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Num. org.C Number of C atoms of the sample gas molecule.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Mol. weight Molecular weight of sample gas.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Resp. fact. Response factor of sample gas.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Menu item Significance
Name Name of measuring point. Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.