Operating instructions

GMS810-/GMS811-FIDOR · Operating Instructions · 8013911 V1-0 · © SICK AG 47
Subject to change without notice Gas timing
Menu: FIDOR/Parameter/Gas timing Application area
Menu: FIDOR/Parameter/Application area
Menu item Significance
Sample gas Purge time [s] with sample gas after adjustment completion until the measured
value is released again.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Zero gas Purge time [s] with zero gas after activation of zero gas during adjustment. The aver-
aging time then starts.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Average ZG Averaging time with zero gas in seconds after activation of zero gas when the mea-
sured value is recorded for zero point calibration.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Ref.gas Purge time [s] with reference gas after activation of reference gas during adjust-
ment. The averaging time then starts.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Average RG Averaging time [s] for reference gas during reference gas adjustment.
Purge time Purge time [s] with zero gas after adjustment completion until the measured value
is released.
Enter with <Set>, <>, <>, <Save>.
Menu item Significance
Application List with predefined measuring tasks.
The entry menus above are limited accordingly when a measuring task is selected.
Enter with <>, <Save>.
Possible are
SMG Factory
(Internal setting)
(Lower explosion limit)
(Threshold limit value)