Operating instructions

GMS810-/GMS811-FIDOR · Operating Instructions · 8013911 V1-0 · © SICK AG 49
Subject to change without notice Zero point
Menu: FIDOR/Adjustment/Zero
Start an automatic zero point adjustment. Reference point
Menu: FIDOR/Adjustment/Reference.
Start an automatic reference point adjustment. Abort adjustment
Menu: FIDOR/Adjustment/Abort adjustment
Abort adjustment Adjustment time
Menu: FIDOR/Adjustment/Adjustment time
This menu is used to set the adjustment times. Restart cycle
Menu: FIDOR/Adjustment/Restart cycle.
This menu is used to reinitialize the adjustment cycle.
Menu item Significance
Start adj. Start zero point adjustment with <Set>.
Process Actual device process (e.g. “ADJUSTMENT”).
M. value Actual measured value.
Menu item Significance
Start adj. Start reference point adjustment with <Set>.
Process Actual device process (e.g. “ADJUSTMENT”).
M. value Actual measured value.
Menu item Significance
Abort adj. Abort adjustment with <Set>.
Process Actual device process (e.g. “ADJUSTMENT”).
M. value Actual measured value.
Menu item Submenu Significance
Adjustment time Activated Activation/deactivation of adjustment times.
HH Input of hours.
MM Input of minutes.
Adjustment days Select the respective day and set with <Set>.
Mo. zero Monday zero point.
0 = off, 1 = weekly, 2 = every two weeks, etc.
Mo. reference Monday reference point.
0 = off, 1 = weekly, 2 = every two weeks, etc.
Tu. zero Tuesday zero point.
0 = off, 1 = weekly, 2 = every two weeks, etc.
Menu item Significance
Restart cycle Restarts the adjustment cycle.
1 Select “Restart cycle”.
2 Confirm with <Set>.