Operating instructions

Technical Documentation
GMS810-/GMS811-FIDOR · Operating Instructions · 8013911 V1-0 · © SICK AG 71
Subject to change without notice
9.2 Heated line
Fig. 10 Line
Fig. 11 Connection
The pin numbers can be found on the plug.
The heated line has a PTFE or stainless steel core with an outer diameter of 6 mm and an
inner diameter of 4 mm. The PTFE core is either fitted securely with stainless steel armor-
ing or is replaceable.
The heating consists of high-quality heating conductor alloys which are sheathed with tem-
perature-resistant insulation materials. The heating conductors are protected against
humidity and braided with protective conductors.
A PT 100 resistor is installed for controlling the temperature. A second sensor is built in for
monitoring the temperature according to VDE.
The outer sheath consists of plastic or optionally of steel braiding.
Application conditions
PTFE as well as stainless steel is resistant against numerous media. The most important
exceptions are:
PTFE swells when exposed to hydrocarbons containing fluorine and to oils.
Alkali metals in molten or dissolved form and with brown discoloration affect PTFE.
Halogens effect a transformation.
Stainless steel can be affected by acidic gases.
Pin Assignment
3 Pt100 monitoring
4 Pt100 monitoring
5 Pt100 control
6 Pt100 control
PE Protective conductor