User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 3 MIDI Setup Guide
particular device or devices. Lastly, individual translator entries can have
specific port assignments that override both the Preset and Project default
Devices represent actual hardware and software MIDI ports
Aliases are pointers to these devices which can be reconfigured to
point to other devices on the fly.
Use aliases to create human-readable names for your MIDI sources
and targets
Your project file stores the default aliases you're using in your project.
Aliases are displayed in italics.
For every virtual MIDI port, there is an automatically created alias.
You should use the alias for best portability of your project file.
3.3 MIDI Router
By default, MIDI Translator does
not route any MIDI data. For MIDI
data to be processed, either a
Translator must be created for it,
or a MIDI Router connection must
be made.
The MIDI Router is a patch panel
type setup screen that allows for
"patch cords" to be created
between available MIDI devices
and aliases. Multiple connections
can be made from a single source
MIDI IN device allowing MIDI data
to be replicated and sent to
multiple devices concurrently.
A MIDI Router patch connection in
Bome MIDI Translator can effectively be thought of as a MIDI Thru
connection. Any MIDI data that is received by a source device in a MIDI
Router patch connection is retransmitted to all connected destination
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