User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 4 Program Interface
4 Program Interface
4.1 Main Window
From the main window of Bome MIDI Translator, a user can manage
projects, presets and translators from start to finish. The main interface is
subdivided into five main sections: the menu/toolbar, the preset list, the
translator list, the property editor, and the activity area.
Project: clicking the project filename will activate the Project
Presets: Collections of Translator objects that can be activated or
deactivated easily
Translators: capture Incoming Triggers (which can range from MIDI
messages, keystrokes, event timers). Captured data can then be
manipulated and retransmitted as a different MIDI message, or an
entirely different action.
Property pane: depending if Project, Preset, or Translator is selected,
display the corresponding properties/editor.
Event Monitor: view realtime activity of sources, targets, and
internal processing
Log Window: text output of what MIDI Translator is doing
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