User's Manual

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Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 5 MIDI Translator Concepts
5.3.4 Outgoing Action
If the Incoming Action was triggered (and the Rules don't cancel the
Translator action), the Outgoing Action is executed. There are many
different action types: for example, you can send a MIDI message, or
emulate typing a keystroke. You can also affect MIDI Translator's internal
behavior by activating or deactivating Presets, or by starting a Timer.
5.4 Incoming Event Processing
When MIDI Translator receives an incoming event, it starts to process it with
the first Translator entry in the first Preset (provided that the Preset is
activated). Then it continues on to the second Translator in the first Preset,
and so on until all Translators in the first preset have processed this
incoming event. Then the same is repeated for the second Preset. This is
done until the event is processed by all Translators in all Presets.
If during event processing a translator entry has the Stop Processing flag
set and is triggered by the event, processing of this event is interrupted and
any following translators and presets will not see this event.
For a more in-depth explanation of the engine's event processing, see
chapter 12.1 Incoming Event Processing.
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