User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 8 The Translator Entry
8 The Translator Entry
8.1 Overview
Translator Entries comprise the core functionality of Bome MIDI Translator.
In simple terms, translators listen for an 'incoming action', optionally do
some processing on the incoming action (see the Rules section of the
manual), and then optionally output an 'outgoing action.' Translators are
limited to a single incoming action and outgoing action, but you can easily
create multiple translators with identical incoming or outgoing actions
depending on your needs. Translators can, however, transmit and receive
on multiple MIDI ports, making interfacing with different devices easier.
Also, the routing flexibility of outgoing actions and rules allow for a lot to be
accomplished with a single translator.
The “Play” entry is the currently selected Translator entry. This Translator
listens for the Play button on the MIDI device. Once pressed, it emulates a
keystroke combination: Ctrl+Option+Insert.
8.2 Translator Options
There are three main settings in the 'Options' section in the translator
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