User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 9 Actions
invent new combinations like “A(B(C))” which will only trigger if you press
C while holding down A and B. Last, but not least, you can also create key
sequences which must be fully typed to trigger the action. For example,
you the sequence “A B Ctrl(D A)” will only trigger if you press A (down and
up), then B, then Ctrl Down, followed by D and A, and then Ctrl Up.
When entering key strokes, use the BACKSPACE key to remove the last
entered key, and the TAB key to remove focus from the keystroke field. To
enter a TAB or BACKSPACE key as trigger text, use the respective buttons
below the keystroke field. Use the Clear button to entirely remove all
entered keys and start over. The Special Key dropdown list allows you to
enter a special key which might not be present on your keyboard.
On macOS 10.9 and later, you need to enable MIDI Translator
Pro in System Preferences, Security & Privacy Privacy
For macOS earlier than 10.9, go to System Preferences,
Universal Access: check 'access for assistive devices'.
9.2.2 Outgoing Keystroke
For emulating keystroke
presses (and releases), and
to emulate typing entire
sequences of keys, use the
Outgoing Keystroke action.
Incoming actions can be
translated to any
combination of keystrokes,
for use in complex macro
routines to control 3rd party
program functions. The best place to start with programming keyboard
combination macros is to consult your software's instruction manual and
determine what keyboard shortcuts are available to you.
Keyboard Emulation outgoing actions can either be typed text, physical key
press/key combination events, or individual Key Up / Key Down events.
When entering key strokes, use the BACKSPACE key to remove the last
entered key, and the TAB key to remove focus from the keystroke field. To
enter a TAB or BACKSPACE key into the keystroke field, use the respective
buttons below the keystroke field. Use the Clear button to entirely remove
all entered keys and start over. The Special Key dropdown list allows you
to enter a special key like Mute, Browser Back, etc. which might not be
present on your keyboard.
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