User's Manual

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Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 9 Actions
9.4 Preset Change
9.4.1 Incoming Preset Change
Preset change incoming actions are actions that are activated when the
preset is changed through some means. Preset Change Actions are useful
for "one-off" type of actions that only occur once at the very beginning of
the preset change. These actions are often 'reset' actions that could either
redefine global variables or reset controllers to default values.
When loading or restarting a Project, a preset change event is triggered for
all initially active presets.
9.4.2 Outgoing Preset Change
Preset change outgoing actions have the capability of managing project
presets, either by activating certain ones, deactivating certain ones, or
cycling through them all as a set. When cycling (“next preset / previous
preset”), any preset marked “Ignore for Next/Previous switching” are
excluded from cycling, and can therefore be used as an always active
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