User's Manual

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Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 9 Actions
In the example, the first byte is specified as a decimal number 255, the
second number in hexadecimal form, which equals 127 decimal. Then two
more decimal numbers, followed by the two variables pp and g0.
For incoming serial port actions, embedded variables are set to the received
byte at that position. For outgoing serial port actions, variables in the
outgoing string are replaced by their values before being sent ot the serial
Data (hexdump)
This way to specify the serial port data string is similar to Data (numbers),
but the data is entered as a series of hexadecimal bytes without a prefix.
You can embed variables by enclosing them in % signs.
Data (hexdump): F0 60 %pp% F7
This is equivalent to specifying the string like this in Data (numbers) mode:
Data (numbers): 240 96 pp 247
9.8.2 Selecting a Serial Port and Alias
In every Serial Port action, you need to specify the serial port to receive
data from, or to send it to, respectively. However, most often serial ports
have non-descriptive names like “COM12” or “/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-
Port”. Therefore, MIDI Translator enforces the use of Serial Port Aliases.
They are similar to MIDI Port Aliases, and basically just define an own name
for the port. We recommend to use the name of the connected device for
the alias name. This makes it easier to use your project on a different
computer where the actual serial port might be “COM10” and not “COM12”.
When you open a project file with unknown serial port aliases, a pop-up
dialog will prompt you to select which serial port a given port alias is
assigned to.
Consequently, to use a serial port in an incoming or outgoing action, first
use the Create button to create an alias, then check that alias in all the
serial port actions you need.
Under some circumstances, it might even make sense to create multiple
aliases for the same port.
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